WUFI® Plus


WUFI® Plus is the most complete heat and moisture simulation tool in the WUFI® software family. In addition to simulating hygrothermal conditions in building components, WUFI® Plus simulates the indoor environment and is therefore suitable for addressing comfort and energy consumption in buildings. Since simulations are based on user-specified climate and on user-defined ventilation, HVAC, and internal loads, the simulations can accurately represent the situation at hand. Simulation of the interaction between building usage and system technology allows for integral assessment of indoor climate, hygienic conditions, thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and damage to components as a function of heating and cooling loads and the necessary effort to humidify/dehumidify.

Integrated modules for dynamic analysis of 3-D bodies (e.g., thermal bridges) and for air exchange between conditioned zones and the outside further expand the capabilities of WUFI® Plus.

Besides the dynamic hygrothermal building simulation WUFI Plus can also be used for Passive House design and certification and to verify the summer heat insulation according to German DIN 4108-2 Standard.


Targeted audience


Zielgruppe Planer

Calculation of the heating and/or cooling demand

Hygrothermal design of structural components

Simulation of the indoor climate

Comfort rating indoor climate

System sizing technique

Analysis of thermal bridges

Passive House design and certification by Passive House Institute United States (PHIUS)


Zielgruppe Gutachter

Locating vulnerabilities in the building envelope

Damage investigations

Assessment of liability

Mold growth assessements

Building products companies

Zielgruppe Baustoffhersteller

Determination of the required product characteristics

Assessment and comparison of individual components in a system

Evaluation of the influence of individual components on the indoor climate and energy consumption

Construction & housing companies

Zielgruppe Baufirmen

Drying of construction moisture and/or water damage

Ensuring the quality of a building’s energy performance

Avoiding poor performance and/or damage caused by the building design (e.g., summer overheating, mold, etc. …)

Universities and Technical Colleges

There are special conditions for using WUFI® Plus for educational purposes. Additional information can be found here.

* Upon evaluating damage in existing structures, if the simulation correctly accounts for uncertainty (e.g., driving rain, leaks in ETICS, and/or convective moisture entry with lightweight components) and does not predict damage, then the workmanship is to blame. On the other hand, if the simulation predicts that damage can occur, then poor design is to blame.



Dynamic simulationPassive house designThermal control

Typical questions

  • Indoor climate, thermal comfort, and energy consumption calculations
  • Hygrothermal component evaluation under use-dependent, dynamic climate conditions
  • Implementation of energy-efficient ventilation to prevent moisture damage and mold growth
  • Strategies to reduce overheating in summer (see also below)
  • Influence of thermal and hygric storage masses on building energy consumption and indoor climate
  • Hygrothermal building and component behavior in all situations from extreme to intermittent use
  • The influence on energy demand of the need to dry construction moisture and/or moisture damage
  • Ensuring damage-free building components when usage conditions change and/or renovation takes place


  • For each zone in the building: dynamic climate (temperature, humidity, and CO2 content), heating and cooling energy demand,humidification and dehumidification load, dynamic heat and moisture flows (solar, internal, ventilation, windows, and components), air flow rates (natural, mechanical, and interzonal), comfort indices (Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), operational temperature, etc …)
  • For each component and each orientation, the temporal and spatial distribution of the hygrothermal conditions (temperature, relative humidity, and water content) saved as a WUFI® movie
  • All component, zone, and plant engineering results in predefined format and/or as user-defined graphics
  • MSExcel or text export of all dynamic component, zone, and plant engineering results
  • MSWord export of predefined and/or user-defined output reports with complete project documentation and summaries of results

Typical questions

  • Passive house design and certification
  • Investigation of passive design strategies such as building orientation and geometry, shading, solar gains with sun protection, the use of thermal mass, and ground connections


  • General results include heating/cooling demand, heating/cooling load, and primary energy demand
  • Detailed analyses include energy balance, heat flux, power consumption, heat fluxes in individual components, ventilation, systems engineering, appliances, hot water (consumption/distribution), and shading
  • MSWord export of a comprehensive passive house certification report with a detailed description of all results, extensive graphs, and complete project documentation

Typical questions

  • Proof of summer thermal protection as required by DIN 4108-2
  • Determining the influence of thermal mass on the building response in summer months
  • Analyzing the influence of building geometry and shading on preventing summer overheating
  • Investigating the influence of windows and window properties, fixed sun protection, and shading control
  • Analyzing land-use strategies and ventilation strategies for preventing summer overheating


  • Full report with over-temperature degree hours for each simulated zone in the building
  • Hourly temperature gradients for each zone
  • Histogram and table of operational temperature frequency
  • Graphical presentation of the excess temperature degree hours per day and average daily temperature variation per month
  • Detailed energy balance showing all heat flows, including breakdowns for all opaque and transparent components

The evaluation of results is the responsiblity of the user and not of the software. Assessing results requires experience and understanding of building science. It is recommended that all users attend a seminar dedicated to WUFI® Plus. The seminars educate users about basic building physics and give confidence for handling the software. In addition, such seminars provide information on new models and evaluation options.


Program details

The WUFI®-Wiki provides demo movies, guides and tutorials, and information on the physical background for WUFI®.

Additionally to the properties needed in WUFI® Pro, WUFI® Plus simulations also require detailed building envelope data and information on internal loads, set points, ventilation, and mechanical systems. Building geometry input is supported by a built-in Building Wizard, or by geometry import from SketchUp® or gbXML (e.g., from Revit®). The user can custom-enter realistic daily usage and mechanical systems profiles through the user interface, or the user can employ built-in databases that store standard schedules, internal loads, and engineering system components.

In WUFI® Plus, the user can choose between SI and US-IP units for data input, computation, and output of results. The WUFI® Plus user interface itself can be switched between the following languages: Chinese, German, English, Italian and Polish. The online help is currently only available in English.


Last Update: December 12, 2024 at 10:11