Information on purchasing and support
The transfer of our webshop to our new sales partner Cleverbridge is now complete. Price quotes can be requested directly below the shopping cart after clicking on the corresponding purchase link.
If you have any questions about the purchase and payment process, please contact our sales partner Cleverbridge directly.
For questions about existing licenses (purchase before 2025), please contact WUFI Support.
You can find an overview of our prices here: Price overview.
Building component simulation
Standard tool for moisture control calculations in building components.
One-dimensional investigation of the hygrothermal performance of building components in the cross-section including built in moisture, driving rain, solar radiation, long-wave emission, capillary transport and summer condensation. WUFI® Pro is the standard tool for most building component simulations and the most user-friendly program of the WUFI® family.
For performing the moisture control certificate according to EN 15026, ÖNORM B 8110, SIA 180, ASHRAE 160, DIN 4108-3 Annex D and others.
You can find detailed information about WUFI® Pro hier!
Multilingual (17 languages). Available as 1-year license and 5-year license.
Buy nowWUFI® Pro 6 video training materials
The films cover the basics of hygrothermal simulation, and the knowledge required to use WUFI® Pro. The following topics are included:
Please note: To watch the movies, you must be able to access YouTube.
The films will be accessible for three months after purchase.
Building component simulation
In addition to WUFI® Pro for moisture control calculations in corners, connection details etc. if required!
For investigating the two-dimensional hygrothermal behavior of building components, the stand-alone program WUFI® 2D is required. WUFI® 2D can only partially replace WUFI® Pro and is significantly more complex in terms of handling and calculation time. Advanced WUFI® users can use it primarily for more scientific investigations like simulations of hygrothermal heat and moisture bridges, analyses of connection and corner details and constructions with anisotropic material properties.
You can find detailed information about WUFI® 2D hier!
Multilingual (10 languages). Available as 1-year license and 5-year license.
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Whole building simulation
Whole building simulation to optimise energy demand and comfort – including component assessment for the specific use.
The hygrothermal whole building simulation with WUFI® Plus enables a realistic prediction of energy demand, indoor climate and comfort of a building. In consideration of exterior climate, building envelope with windows and shading, inner loads, ventilation, set-point and control values and the available HVAC systems, the building energy demand, indoor environmental conditions as well as the hygrothermal performance of the building components can be assessed fort he assumed use. A graphical user interface with building editor and input and output assistance allows a fast preparation, simulation and post-processing of a building. The database also contains data for windows, typical operation scenarios etc.
You can find detailed information about WUFI® Plus here!
Multilingual (6 languages) . Available as 1-year license and 5-year license.
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Whole building simulation
Passive house planning and verification of the steady-state calculation by transient simulation.
WUFI® Passive combines the steady state passive house verification with the dynamic hygrothermal whole building simulation of WUFI® Plus. This allows the design and verification of passive houses based on monthly or annual balances considering gains or losses by transmission, ventilation, radiation or inner loads. Based on the same building model, created for the passive house assessment, also the dynamic simulations can be conducted, if the passive house criteria are fulfilled (only possible in this case). Detailed results regarding indoor and comfort conditions, energy demand and hygrothermal conditions of the building envelope are computed. A graphical user interface with input and output assistance allows a fast preparation, simulation and post-processing of passive house projects.
You can find detailed information about WUFI® here!
Multilingual (5 languages). Available as 1-, 3- and 5-year license.
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WUFI® Pro 6.x:
Please follow the link to our sales partner. Please have your WUFI Pro 6 licence key ready. To purchase an upgrade, your existing key must be validated first. To do this, enter the license key you received with your purchase in the following format:
If you have problems validating your key, please contact our support team.
After successful validation, the upgrade will be available for purchase.
If required, you can also request an official quote here.
Purchase WUFI Pro 7 Upgrade
Note: Users of an active 1-year WUFI® Pro 6 licence will receive a new licence key for WUFI® Pro 7 during February 2025.
WUFI® 5.x, WUFI® 2D 3.x und WUFI® Plus 2.x:
As these licences are older, these upgrades cannot be checked or purchased automatically from our sales partner. Please contact our support, we will check whether you are still authorised to upgrade and then send you the corresponding link to purchase.
E-Mail an WUFI Support
Universities (educational licenses)
For universities and other educational institutions using the software only for non-commercial educational purposes Fraunhofer IBP offers reduced license prices. The following terms of use apply:
For students we offer a 6-month time-limited full version of WUFI® for course-related work (e.g. Bachelor, Master or PhD theses) under the following conditions:
WUFI® Light 6.8
For non-commercial purposes we provide WUFI® Light (a functionally limited version of WUFI® Pro) free of charge. This version is limited to 4 weeks. After entering your data and clicking on “Apply for WUFI® Light”, you will receive an e-mail with the download link and your personal licence key.
You can find detailed information about WUFI® Light here!
RequestWUFI® Plus Free (only thermal, without moisture)
To request WUFI® Plus Free, you must enter your contact details and complete the 0-euro “purchase”.
RequestWUFI® Passive Free (only thermal, without moisture)
To request WUFI® Passive Free, you must enter your contact details and complete the 0-euro “purchase”.
Request WUFI® Plus Free and WUFI® Passive Free are two no-cost versions of WUFI® Plus und WUFI® Passive. They are thermal-only versions and limited in features. Parts of the software have been supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).There is currently no difference in the functionality of the two free versions. Only the start screen is set as the default for either the dynamic calculation or the passive house calculation. Contrary to the full versions, the no-cost versions don´t provide calculations of moisture transport and storage. Furthermore, the user-defined entries in the database and export functions are limited.
The use of both versions is limited to 1 year.
You can find detailed information about WUFI® Plus Free and WUFI® Passive Free here!
Scientific project support
We also support our customers with project- and simulation-related questions as part of our scientific support, such as:
• Fundamentals of Hygrothermal Simulation Models and Validation
• Checking of the selected approaches and inputs
• Questions about the best approach to the solution
• Construction assembly, boundary conditions, assessment criteria for the reliable evaluation of your design
• Assistance in selecting and adapting the appropriate material parameters
• Further advice / services as required
After you have ordered a support package and the payment has been processed, you will receive an e-mail detailing all the information which is needed to process your support requests. The support will usually be done by e-mail.
Upon a support request we will provide you with an estimate of the expected time needed and provide you with updates whenever the time estimate changes.
For each support request, the time required to review and analyse the information provided by the customer is part of the time to be deducted from the quota. If it is foreseeable that further effort is required, we will inform you in advance of the anticipated time requirement. Upon completion, we deduct the actual required time from your support quota and notify you of your remaining quota by e-mail.
Support quota which is not consumed within the period of validity will be forfeited and cannot be reimbursed.
Note: The review of your projects, input and result data is limited to plausibility and correctness based on the information provided to us. The responsibility for the overall assessment therefore remains with the client.
Buy nowThe terms and conditions underlying the use of the software can be found here: terms and conditions