New add-ons and post processors for WUFI®

For an extended evaluation in WUFI®, the two new post processing modules WUFI® Corr and WUFI® Mould Index VTT are published together with WUFI 6.1. Further the add-on program “Lokalklimagenerator” allows the adaptation of the new German Hygrothermal Reference Years to differing local conditions.

WUFI® Corr

The post process module WUFI® Corr allows the prediction of the corrosion rate of steel inserts in porous building materials over the time, depending on embedding material, temperature and RH at the steel surface.

WUFI® Mould Index VTT according to ASHRAE standard 160

The WUFI® Mould Index VTT postprocessor was developed in collaboration between the Finnish research institute VTT and Fraunhofer IBP. It allows a prediction of mould growth as a function of substrate material, temperature and relative humidity. For evaluation the so-called Mould Index (MI) is used, which indicates the intensity of growth using an easy-to-understand six-point scale.

WUFI® Mould Index VTT is available in English language.


The “Lokalklimagenerator” (local climate creator) was developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP) as a part of the research project “Klimamodelle” (climatic models) funded by the BMWi (German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology). It allows an adaptation of the German Hygrothermal Reference Years to specific local conditions, e.g. the influence of lakes or waters or the location in a city. It is also possible to adapt the climate files to the local wind and rain conditions. This tool is only available in German language.

The postprocessor WUFI® Bio is also available for download in an updated version. The changes concern saving of the projects as well as an adjustment of the limit values for the traffic light scheme.

Further information about the add-ons for WUFI® as well as the download links can be found here. The add-ons are useable with all programs from the WUFI® Family.